Run an expression in student and solution environment and compare the result, output or error that is thrown by it.

check_expr(state, expr)

# S3 method for ExprState
check_result(state, error_msg = NULL,
  append = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for ExprState
check_output(state, error_msg = NULL,
  append = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for ExprState
check_error(state, no_error_msg = NULL,
  append = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for ExprResultState
check_equal(state, eq_condition = "equivalent",
  eq_fun = NULL, incorrect_msg = NULL, append = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for ExprOutputState
check_equal(state, eq_fun = NULL,
  incorrect_msg = NULL, append = TRUE, ...)

# S3 method for ExprErrorState
check_equal(state, eq_fun = NULL,
  incorrect_msg = NULL, append = TRUE, ...)



state to start from (only for check_ functions)


the expression to run


custom message in case the expression throws an error while it shouldn't


Whether or not to append the feedback to feedback built in previous states


S3 stuff


custom message in case the expression doesn't throw an error while it should


character string indicating how to compare. See is_equal.


optional argument to specify a custom equality function. The function should take two arguments and always return a single boolean value: TRUE or FALSE.


custom message in case the result, output or error of the expression does not correspond with the solution


if (FALSE) { # Example 1 a <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) # SCT ex() %>% check_expr("a[c(2, 4)]") %>% check_result() %>% check_equal() # Example 2 my_fun <- function() { print('hello') } # SCT ex() %>% check_expr("my_fun()") %>% check_output() %>% check_equal() }