Check whether a student defined a certain object (correctly)

check_object(state, name, undefined_msg = NULL, append = TRUE)

check_column(state, col, col_missing_msg = NULL, append = TRUE)

check_element(state, el, el_missing_msg = NULL, append = TRUE)

# S3 method for ObjectState
check_equal(state, incorrect_msg = NULL,
  append = TRUE, eq_condition = "equivalent", eq_fun = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for ObjectColumnState
check_equal(state, incorrect_msg = NULL,
  append = TRUE, eq_condition = "equivalent", eq_fun = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for ObjectElementState
check_equal(state, incorrect_msg = NULL,
  append = TRUE, eq_condition = "equivalent", eq_fun = NULL, ...)



the state to start from


name of the object to test.


Optional feedback message in case the student did not define the object. A meaningful message is automatically generated if not supplied.


Whether or not to append the feedback to feedback built in previous states


name of column to check


Custom message in case data frame column is missing


name of element to check


Custom message in case element is messing.


Custom feedback message in case the student's object is not the same as in the sample solution.


character string indicating how to compare. See is_equal.


optional argument to specify a custom equality function. The function should take two arguments and always return a single boolean value: TRUE or FALSE.


S3 stuff


if (FALSE) { # Example 1 x <- mean(1:3, na.rm = TRUE) # sct to only check existence of x ex() %>% check_object("x") # sct to check existence and equality ex() %>% check_object("x") %>% check_equal() # Example 2 df <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = LETTERS[1:3]) # sct to test column a ex() %>% check_object("df") %>% check_column("a") %>% check_equal() # Example 3 lst <- list(a = 1, b = 2) # sct to test only element b ex() %>% check_object("lst") %>% check_element("b") %>% check_equal() # Example 4 today <- Sys.Date() # sct to check if classes are equal ex() %>% check_object("today") %>% check_equal(eq_fun = function(x, y) { all.equal(class(x), class(y)) }) }